
Bible Classes
We offer a wonderful curriculum at Sunset that we hope will increase your knowledge of the Bible, and aid your growth as a Christian. We have specific classes for every age group, from Kindergarten to Adults. Our elders oversee the teachers used and curriculum taught, it is their goal that these classes purpose be (simply stated) to study the Bible and make Christians.

Men's Breakfast
Ladies' Breakfasts
Once a month, these groups meet for a fellowship breakfast and devotional.

Youth @ Sunset
The Sunset church of Christ has a wonderful group of young people. Our goal is that they will establish a faith they can call their own and grow in their relationship with God. We strive to fulfill this goal through devotionals, service projects, retreats, outings, and fellowshipping at every opportunity. We would love to have you join us for any activity!

Rubies Class
Rubies Class is the name of the Sunset Women's Bible Study Group.
They meet once a month in the home of a member for a Bible study and devotional.

College Group
The Sunset church of Christ has a very small group of young college-age adults, however they are also a very close group. They are constantly planning activities, get togethers, devotionals, and are always ready to help serve in the congregation.

Barton Bible Camp
The Barton Bible Camp is a place loved by many people in this area. We host the first week of camp, which is Elementary week, and two other congregations host Jr. High and Sr. High weeks. The qualifications for being staff during this week are that you are a faithful Christian, and good example. We are sure your children would love this wonderful week!

Preaching Rotations
In our area there are a lot of small towns/communities with smaller congregations in need of a preacher, and we do our best to fill that need. A group of men rotate through a list of congregations, preaching on Sundays. The men our Elders send out to preach are studied, passionate about the Gospel, and qualified to preach sound Doctrine.

Young Men's and Young Ladies' Training Classes
In these bi-annual classes, our young men are taught all of the basics for leading in worship and for being future servants of the church. Our young ladies are taught how to serve others and to use their talents for the Lord.

Esudas Bontha's Work in India
Esudas and his family are doing a great work of preaching the gospel, ministering to the churches, and giving a home to dozens of children.

For us, Gospel Meetings are a treat! We host two annual meetings, one in the Spring, and another in the Fall. The speakers are always sound men who our elders know will rightly divide the Word of God. For information on our next Gospel Meeting, visit the Gospel Meetings page of the website.