Serving Nashville since 1903
The church of Christ in Nashville was established in 1903 by five families: Lewis Payne and Mary Elizabeth Dooley, Joe Ashmore and Elizabeth Nowell, Louis Theodore and Mariah Bird Pedron, John Belton and Laura Sparks Tinsley, and James (Jim) and Effie Williamson Toland. Belton Tinsley Taught Sunday School while Joel Nowell, one of the congregation's first elders, kept the books and prepared the Lord's Supper. Contributions averaged about 65 cents each Sunday. The church met in houses until 1905, when the growing congregation began meeting in a larger building in town. In 1909 they began meeting in a temporary structure moved around to various locations until 1926, when a public announcement stated plans were being made to erect a new building.
After purchasing eight lots on Main Street from Circuit Clerk Thomas McAdams, construction began on the building. Reuben Sullivan and Therman and Dale Floyd helped unload bricks from rail cars and haul them to the site. Men from surrounding congregations donated their labor and ladies of the congregation prepared a noon meal and served it to workers under a big tent. The new building was completed in 1931. The building was paid in full on April 4, 1938.
The church continued to grow, and an educational building was added in 1943. More classrooms were added in the 1950's and the entire building was air-conditioned! Ever increasing numbers over the next dozen or so years led to yet another construction project.
In 1964, a new building, which is the current meeting place of the church, was erected at 1420 W. Sunset St. on 4.1 acres of land. The 20,000 square-foot plan was drafted by Arthur Johnson of Nashville and built by Walter Dickey and Dean Rankin of Murfreesboro, Arkansas. In the 1970's, the parking lot was paved, outdoor lighting was installed, and an organized bus program was initiated. Church records from 1974 show an average attendance in Sunday morning Bible Classes of 435.
To meet the congregation's increasing need for space, an 8160 square-foot building, which included three offices, a library, a large supply room, a nursery, a small auditorium, and nine upstairs classrooms was constructed in 1977. A 5,000 square-foot multi-purpose building was added in 2004.
The church has had numerous preachers throughout the years, including Milton Peebles, Harley Stone, Maurice McFarland, Felix Gilbert Copeland, Allen B. Harper, Robert H. Lyles, Harvey McRae Arnold, George Pledger, Malcolm Bowen, Clinton Elliot, Lynn Matheny, Ray Peters, Edwin Leon Jones, Don Stricklen, Ronald D. Reeves, Rick Lawson, and David Williams, who has been the preacher since March of 2005.
Those serving the congregation as elders include Jim Toland, Joe Nowell, John Reese, John Baptist Chesshir, Lewis Payne Dooley, Wilson Lee Shofner, Thomas McAdams, Jackson H. Neece, James A. Floyd, John F. Sullivan, Ordis Watson, Angel T. Henry, Elijah Mike Floyd, Bailey Anderson, A. T. Oliver, Charlie Milwee Floyd, Don Carlos Pryor, Sr. , Chester Andres, Remmel M. Henry, William Edgar Chesshir, Charley Green, William Thomas Gallahar, Blakely Onez Darling, Chester Young Woodruff, D. L. Green, Don Allen Pounds, Junior Milton Hilliard, Karon Dale Baxley, *Joe Biggs Martin, Floyd Clark, Jr., Danny H. Howard, *Jon Howard, James S. Jamison, John Williams, *James H. Jamison, *John Jamison, Robert A. (Bob) Jamison, Terry Moore, *Bill Moorer, and Phillip Turner.
* indicates men currently serving as elders